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Analysis of Defects in Die Cutting Process!

During die-cutting processes, several common quality issues may arise. One such issue is incomplete cuts, where the desired shape or pattern is not fully cut through the material. This can be caused by various factors, including improper blade alignment, dull blades, or insufficient cutting pressure. Incomplete cuts can result in product defects or difficulties in assembly.

Another challenge is material tearing or cracking during the die-cutting process. This issue can be attributed to factors such as improper material selection, excessive cutting force, or inadequate blade sharpness. Material tearing not only affects the aesthetics of the final product but also compromises its structural integrity.

Furthermore, inconsistent die-cut dimensions can lead to assembly problems. Inaccurate die-cutting may result from inconsistent machine settings, poor die design, or improper material feed. Such variations in dimensions can cause difficulties in assembling the final product and affect its functionality.

To analyze these quality issues, thorough inspection and analysis are necessary. This includes examining the cutting tools, ensuring their sharpness and proper alignment. Evaluating the material properties is also vital to determine its suitability for die-cutting. Optimizing machine settings and validating die design through rigorous testing can help address inconsistent dimensions and improve overall quality.

Effective quality control measures like real-time monitoring, inspection checkpoints, and regular maintenance of die-cutting equipment should be implemented to identify and rectify any potential issues. Moreover, continuous personnel training and process improvement initiatives can enhance operators' skills and knowledge, minimizing the occurrence of quality problems.

By understanding and addressing these common quality issues during die-cutting, manufacturers can optimize production efficiency, deliver higher-quality products, and satisfy customer requirements.

Fumart engineers summarize the problems encountered and provide an analysis in the die cutting and stamping process.

Poor product dimensions

1. The dimensions of the die exceed the tolerance range, meaning there is a deviation between the product drawings and the actual dimensions of the mold. In such cases, the solution would be to redraw the drawings (with dimensions generally smaller than the desired size) and remake the die.

2. There is a conflict between the product and the physical dimensions during cutting or punching. In this case, a reconfiguration of the drawings is necessary.

3. Mold wear or damage can result in deformation. This is often caused by inadequate maintenance, excessive usage of the mold, or improper handling.

Solution: Regularly inspect and maintain the molds, determine their lifespan, and remake them if necessary.

4. Material deformation during processing, especially for foams or softer materials, can occur due to tension, compression, or shrinkage during shaping. This may result in increased external dimensions and decreased inner frame dimensions.

Solution: Analyze different materials and adjust the dimensions accordingly based on their characteristics.

5. Malalignment of the positioning components leads to uneven sizes.

When material is cut, especially for bottom auxiliary materials, uneven edges can cause misalignment issues. It is important to control the tension during cutting, perform quantitative measurements, and pay attention to the material head, tail, or wrinkling areas.

6. The product shows hairs, unwanted edge burrs, or whitening.

1. The wear or deformation of the mold blades should be regularly inspected and maintained. Proper planning should be implemented for maintenance time, personnel, and procedures.

2. Wires or impurities on paper or glue materials can cause hairs. Proper pre-inspection is necessary. Adjustments can be made for cutting and proper waste removal methods can be explored to find the best solution.

7. The product surface exhibits scratches, folds, indentations, or scrapes.

Folds mostly occur on harder material products and are usually caused by stacking or pressure from machine objects during transportation. Workers should wear finger cots, handle products with care, and cushion the stacking points with foam or bubble wrap.

Scratches and scrapes often occur during cutting along with the machine's feed bar or pressure bar. Prior to operation, the feed axes of the machine should be cleaned.

8. Color discrepancies in the products.

1. Color discrepancies can be caused by chemical contamination of the materials, prolonged exposure to sunlight, or high temperatures. Protective measures should be taken for the materials or products to prevent contact with chemicals. Proper placement of materials or products should be planned.

2. Long storage of products can cause color changes, resulting in inconsistent internal and external colors.

Improvement measures: Reduce warehouse inventory or adopt inventory coding methods (first in, first out). Minimize stock levels as much as possible.

9. Bubbles, impurities, or edge lifting in the protective film on the product surface.

Improper environmental protection, incorrect product placement, and friction between products during transportation can cause these defects. Implement proper workshop cleanliness, seal products during transportation, and establish standardized operating procedures and training.

10. Insufficient stickiness, excessive double-sided adhesive, or weakened adhesion of conductive glue.

Analysis: Double-sided adhesive and conductive glue can be classified as genuine (imported) or imitation (domestic) materials. The adhesion characteristics vary greatly among different grades (A, B, C) of imitation materials. Some products may be made from expired or waste materials.

11. Waste leakage during waste removal process.

Inadequate pressure in the middle section of the machine or insufficient adhesion of the marking glue may result in waste leakage.

Analysis: This can be attributed to insufficient pressure exerted by the press rolls or insufficient adhesion of the marking glue. Inappropriate positioning of the marking glue may also contribute to this issue.


1. Consider changing the bottom paper cutting method.

2. Freeze the material for a certain period.

3. Replace the material (compare with materials from other suppliers).

4. Adjust the waste removal angle. The recommended waste removal angle is generally between 40° and 60°.

12. Product breakage during waste removal.

Product breakage is primarily caused by improper alignment of the decorative paper during bonding, resulting in strain or incomplete cutting during waste removal.

Improvement measures: Adjust the positioning of the decorative paper during waste removal to shift it inward by 2 mm. Adjust the cutting depth and pressure to achieve a proper indentation on the product.

13. Product detachment or deformation.

These defects are caused by excessive pressure on the axis or low adhesive viscosity. Another potential cause is improper material combination, favoring easy release.

Improvement measures: Reduce the pressure on the axis during waste removal (or eliminate it altogether). If the cause is a material combination issue, promptly replace the auxiliary material.



Contact: Pamela

Phone: +86 189 6365 3253

E-mail: info@industryprocess.com

Whatsapp:+86 189 6365 3253

Add: Yajing Industrial Park, No. 59 Shuangjing Street, Weiting Town, Suzhou Industrial Park